Delhi Police caught country’s biggest car thief, who stole more than 5 thousand vehicles

Delhi Police caught countrys biggest car thief

New Delhi: Delhi Police has claimed to have caught the country’s biggest car thief. This thief named Anil Chauhan is accused of stealing more than 5 thousand vehicles. Chouhan has been arrested by the Special Task Force of Delhi Police from Assam. It is being told that apart from car theft, cases of murder, the Arms Act, and smuggling are also registered against Chauhan. Police said that the accused Chauhan is active in the world of crime since the 90s and cases have been registered against him continuously. According to the police, more than 181 cases are registered against Anil.

Police said that Chauhan, who has been committing crimes continuously for nearly 27 years, has stolen the maximum number of Maruti 800 cars in the 90s and he used to send these stolen cars to Jammu and Kashmir, Nepal, and North East states. In many cases, along with Delhi Police, the police of North Eastern states have also arrested him many times in the past.

Unaccounted wealth and properties in many states
Anil Chauhan earned immense wealth in the world of crime and made his properties in many states. His properties are spread in Delhi, Mumbai, and North East states as well as Nepal. Anil did three marriages and has 7 children. In 1990, he lived in the Khanpur area of ​​Delhi and used to drive an auto rickshaw. From here he stepped into the world of crime and started stealing vehicles. After that, he never looked back and continued to spread his network.

Arms smuggling
These days he was engaged in the work of smuggling weapons. According to the police, Anil was supplying weapons to the banned organizations of Nagaland by bringing them from UP. At present, the police have recovered 6 pistols and two stolen vehicles from him. Delhi Police is now probing the angle of terror as well. The police have given the reason behind this investigation that the way it was supplying arms to banned organizations, it is suspected that it could also be related to terrorist groups.

Was in jail for 5 years
Anil became a government contractor in Assam and also contacted local leaders. In 2015, when the Enforcement Directorate took action against Anil Chauhan and a Congress MLA, both were arrested. After this, Anil was in jail for 5 years. 2020 Anil came out of jail and once again he started committing crimes.
