Biden was declared the winner in Arizona, Wisconsin

joe biden

Washington: The U.S. states of Arizona and Wisconsin formally declared Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden the winner of the election. President Donald Trump won both of these states in the 2016 election. In Wisconsin, Biden won by 20,700 votes. Confirming the results, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers said, “Today I am responsible for certifying the November 3 election, and in accordance with state and federal law, I have elected newly elected President Joe Biden and newly elected Vice President Kamala Harris. Have signed the certificate of victory. “


The recount was completed a day earlier in two Wisconsin counties at Trump’s request. Arizona, traditionally considered a Republican stronghold, has also declared Biden the winner. Here Biden has won by more than ten thousand votes. Biden now has 306 electoral college votes to his account, while Trump has 232 electoral college votes. Trump has five days to challenge the election results. Trump tweeted, “Complete corruption. It hurts the country. “
