Asked to wear a mask in the US, the two sisters stabbed the security guard 27 times

two sisters stabbed the security guard

Chicago (USA): In Chicago, USA, two sisters are accused of stabbing a security official 27 times. The security guard of the shop had requested him to wear a mask.

Jessica and Jayla Hill allegedly assaulted the 32-year-old man Sunday night, police spokeswoman Carrie James said. The victim is hospitalized and her condition is critical. James reported that security personnel asked the women to wear masks, but the women attacked him.

two sisters stabbed the security guard

Jessica Hill allegedly pulled a knife out of her pocket and attacked him and Jayala held her by the hair. He said that both the women were arrested on the spot. Cook County Circuit Judge Mary C. When presented to Marubio on Tuesday, the women’s lawyer said they attacked in self-defense and both had “bipolar disorder”.
