Stone pelting and arson between two groups in Nalanda after Ramnavami procession, watch video

Nalanda Stone pelting

Patna: Information about a violent clash between two groups has come to light near Gagan Dewan of Laheri police station area of Nalanda, Bihar. Not only this but there is also news of stone pelting and vehicles being set on fire in violent clashes. As soon as the information was received, the police and administration reached the spot. Earlier, there was a clash of violence in the Sasaram district of the state itself. Many police personnel was also injured during this incident. Given the situation, the district administration has imposed section 144 in the city.

ADM Chandrasekhar told that there is tension in both groups and stone pelting also took place. Some houses were set on fire. The fire is being extinguished. The administration reached the spot and pacified them. The situation is under control now. He also informed that a clash between two groups in Sasaram resulted in injuries to some policemen trying to control the situation. Section 144 CrPC has been imposed in the city.

Nalanda Stone pelting

According to reports, first, there was a dispute between the two parties. After this dispute escalated into stone pelting and vehicles being vandalized in both groups. There, there is also news of a hut catching fire. After which the situation of tension remains in the area. After the violence broke out, shops in Kadirganj Mubarakganj Chaukhandi Navratna Bazar in the district were gutted.
