If both doses of corona vaccine are not administered, then there will be an FIR, the collector ordered

collector singroli

Singrauli(MP): Now people in the Singrauli district cannot avoid both doses of the vaccine. If they do this then there will be FIR against them along with normal activities. District Collector Rajiv Ranjan Meena has passed a strict order for this. According to the order, if both doses are not administered by December 15, then criminal cases will be registered against those employed in public programs, hotels, private institutions, or companies.

According to the order of the collector, work in other institutions like projects, hotels, private companies will not be allowed if both doses are not applied. After December 15, only those who have been asked to give the relief through medical advice will be exempted from this. It is worth noting that before the order of the Collector, the Food, Civil Supplies, and Consumer Protection Department had also passed a similar order. The department had said that the ration would be given to the same family whose members had got both the doses of the vaccine.

Indore administration’s decision, get both doses done by November 30
The people of Indore should also get both doses of the vaccine early, otherwise, after November 30, you will neither get milk nor ration nor any essential items. Not only this, you will not even be able to cross the door of any temple to see your favorite deity. This decision has been taken by all the business associations and temple managers of Indore. In fact, to allay the fear of the third wave of the corona, the Indore administration has launched a campaign by completing both doses of the vaccine, under which all the merchant associations, social organizations, temple management, and many organizations have been fielded as corona warriors.

collector singroli

Due to this, the traders’ association has decided that after November 30, without showing the certificate of both doses of the vaccine, neither the customer nor the seller will be allowed to enter. Also, such people will not get admission in temples who have not completed both doses of the vaccine. In Indore, one hundred percent of the population has received the first dose of the corona vaccine and sixty percent of the population has received the second dose. Indore Collector Manish Singh says, ‘All the organizations have decided that by November 30, all the people associated with them should get the second dose of corona vaccine. Otherwise, after 30th November, he himself will impose a ban.
