Flood in Beijing: Very serious warning issued by the government for August month

Flood in Beijing

New Delhi: The neighboring country China is currently in the grip of severe floods. The capital Beijing seems to be submerged. According to the report of the Chinese newspaper Global Times, due to continuous heavy rains, there is a danger of flood in northern and southern China. There is a possibility of two or three storms across the country in the next few days. The Chinese administration has issued warnings to its people about floods, storms, and drought in some places in the month of August.

At this time, due to the storm Doxuri, it has been raining continuously in Beijing and neighboring Hebei province since Saturday, causing severe flooding there. So far 20 people have died due to this flood. Due to this flood and storm, so far 11 people have died in Beijing, the capital of China. Among them, there are two people who died in the course of their duty while doing relief and rescue work. It was told in the report that till now 13 people are missing, whose information has not been found.

Flood risk in these areas
According to the report of the Global Times, in addition to the eastern parts of North China, Northeast China, the western and southern parts of South China and the southern part of the southwestern regions of China are receiving above average rainfall. Due to this, the risk of natural calamities like hill floods, urban waterlogging, and waterlogging in the fields is likely to increase. Strong winds are blowing in these areas and there is a possibility of hail.

Waterways will also be affected
In addition, flood warnings have been issued for the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, Poyang Lake, the Yellow River, and the upper reaches of the Songhua River. Regional typhoons and flooding can affect waterways in Huaihe, Lake Taihu, Zhujiang River, and rivers on Hainan Island. Chinese authorities warned the public about geological disaster risks in August due to the impact of typhoons in northern China, northeastern China, the southeastern part of northwestern China, and eastern China.

Flood in Beijing

Risk of forest fire and drought in these areas
According to the official statement given by the Chinese government, the northern parts of the Yangtze River are likely to suffer from high temperatures and drought from time to time. Parts of Fujian, Hubei, Chongqing, and Sichuan provinces will face geological disasters, and parts of the country’s southwest and Xinjiang Uyghurs in northwest China will face a higher risk. There is a high risk of forest fire here.
