India not participated in voting on resolution condemning Russian attack against Russian attack

UNSC resolution

United Nations: India on Wednesday did not participate in voting on the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) condemning the Russian attack against Ukraine. India did not participate in the third resolution brought to the United Nations in less than a week in the wake of escalating tensions between Moscow and Kyiv. In his statement after voting on the resolution, the Indian Ambassador to the United Nations TS Tirumurti said that India is deeply concerned about the rapidly deteriorating situation in Ukraine and the humanitarian crisis.

The 193-member General Assembly on Wednesday voted to reaffirm its commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence, unity, and territorial integrity and “strongly condemned” Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. 141 votes were cast in favor of the motion while 35 members did not participate in the voting and five members voted against the motion. When the resolution was passed, there was applause in the General Assembly.

A two-thirds majority is required for the resolution to be passed in the General Assembly. The resolution also condemned Russia’s decision to prepare nuclear forces. It also condemned the participation of Belarus in this “illegal use of force” against Ukraine. The resolution calls for an immediate peaceful resolution of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine through political dialogue, mediation, and other peaceful means.

United Nations General Assembly

Tirumurti told the United Nations General Assembly that India demands to ensure safe and smooth evacuation for all Indian nationals, including students currently stuck in Ukraine. On the Ukraine crisis, the Indian envoy said, “We have stood by our commitment that differences can only be resolved through dialogue and diplomacy.”

He said India supports the call of the international community for an immediate ceasefire. Tirumurti told the General Assembly that an Indian national lost his life in Kharkiv due to the ongoing tension in Ukraine.
