Country’s first elevated taxi way ready at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport

first elevated taxi way

New Delhi: A unique sight will be seen at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) from July 13. The dual elevated Eastern Cross taxi-way and the fourth runway will be operational from July 13 in the national capital. At present, there are three runways at Indira Gandhi Airport. Eastern Cross Taxiway will save time and fuel. Earlier, an aircraft had to cover a distance of 9 km to land on runway number-3 and reach terminal-1, which will now be reduced to 2 km.

Due to this, the number of passengers who had to wait on the road during the take-off and landing of the flight will also be reduced. According to NDTV news, the Deputy Managing Director of GMR Group has informed that the ECT and the fourth runway will be made operational from July 13. Let us tell you that IGIA is operated by Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) which is a consortium led by GMR Airport Infrastructure Limited.

How big will the Eastern Cross Taxiway
ECT will be 2.1 km long and about 202 meters wide. There will be two such taxiways, one for take-off and the other for landing of planes. This will be the first ECT of its kind in India. Which will connect the northern and southern airfields and reduce the taxi distance for an aircraft by 7 kilometers, not only this elevated taxiway has the capacity to handle large aircraft like A-380 and B-777.

first elevated taxi way

What would be the benefit of ECT?
There will be many benefits of ECT, in but the most important will be the saving of time, if the aircraft takes less time to reach the runway, then the time of the passengers will also be saved. The distance from one terminal to another will be reduced from 9 km to 2.2 km. With this, about 350 kg of fuel will be saved in one round of each ship. And most importantly, in this way, the emission of about 55 thousand tonnes of carbon dioxide can be reduced every year.
