Bomb made from a can of energy drink! Depth conspiracy with evidence from the Israeli embassy


New Delhi: In the past, after the explosion near the Israeli Embassy Blast in Delhi, the security of key installations across the country is being increased. At the same time, the team of National Bomb Data Center of the National Security Guard (NSG), which is investigating this blast, has feared that Energy Drink Can be used in this blast. This is being said because a can of alcoholic drink has also been found near the place of the blast.

Sources have told that the can of energy drink may have been used to hide the circuit board device. There is also a possibility that it is connected to the timer. A circuit board has also been found at the site of the blast. Sources have also informed that aluminum, as well as pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), have been found in the bomb device. The lab has confirmed this. One source says that this is contradictory because one is a sharp explosive and the other is a low explosive. Although the final report will come on Sunday.


The NSG team has visited the blast site. Its report will also be shared with the Delhi Police team investigating the blast. The source said that the team has succeeded in obtaining many CCTV footage. But so far we have not reached any concrete result. Because most of the CCTVs around the Embassy were bad.

Sources also say that several hours before and after the blast, data of mobile numbers and their calls active in and around the embassy are also being collected. Along with this, information is also being collected from cab companies about those people who came or went around Embassy that day.

Investigative agencies are also scanning IPDR data in the vicinity of the Embassy. So that it can be ascertained whether any suspected person was in contact with anyone through internet calling instead of mobile call on that day in the area.
