What is 15 min city concept, and how the world is adopting it?

    15 min city concept

    New Delhi: The 15-minute city concept is an urban planning idea that aims to create cities where people can access everything they need within a 15-minute walk or bike ride from their homes. This includes work, shopping, education, healthcare, leisure, and culture. The concept is based on the principle of reducing car dependency, promoting healthy and sustainable living, and improving the well-being and quality of life of city dwellers.

    The concept was first proposed by Carlos Moreno, a professor at the Sorbonne University in Paris, in 2016. He wanted to make cities more human-centered and more vibrant by providing easy access to shops, schools, doctors, parks, restaurants, and cultural institutions.

    The concept gained popularity after Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo adopted it as part of her 2020 re-election campaign. She pledged to transform Paris into a 15-minute city by creating more bike lanes, pedestrian zones, green spaces, and mixed-use development. She also supported remote working as a way to reduce daily commuting and traffic congestion.

    15 min city concept

    Since then, many other cities around the world have followed suit and have implemented or planned to implement the 15-minute city concept or similar ideas. Some examples are Melbourne, Portland, Detroit, Milan, Barcelona, Shanghai, Bogota, and Ottawa. Each city has its own approach and challenges, but they all share the common goal of making cities more livable, sustainable, and equitable for their residents.
