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Saturn turning retrogate in Capricorn

From July 12, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn, how it will affect your zodiac...

This year, the slowest moving of all the zodiac signs and the longest transiting planet Saturn has moved from Capricorn to Aquarius. Saturn is...
electricity bill

MP is amazing, electricity bill of 80 trillion reached at retired teacher’s house in...

Singrauli. MP is amazing. Now the electricity department has done a strange job, he sent a bill of electricity of 80 trillion rupees to...

‘Taiwan Question’ issue will be resolved, no outside interference: Xi

Beijing: Strongly advocating for the reunification of Taiwan and China, Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday said the issue of the "Taiwan Question" will...
China also suspended flights to and from Britain

China also suspended flights to and from Britain

Beijing: China (China) will suspend all flights to and from the UK. China's Foreign Ministry announced this on Thursday. Several countries have imposed a temporary...
Justice DV Chandrachud

Policies of nation can be made on the basis of the truth of our...

New Delhi: Supreme Court judge Justice DY Chandrachud on Saturday said citizens should try to ensure that the press does not have any influence,...
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