Person punished for breaking Corona curfew, 300 sit-ups and died

300 sit-ups and died

Manila: Due to the increasing Corona cases in the Philippines, the administration has imposed strict rules. There is a lockdown in many parts of the country, and a curfew is in place in many places. In such a case, a heartbreaking case has come to light. In the Philippines, a man was caught for breaking curfew and allegedly punished by him so severely that he died. According to a report in the New York Post, this man was given 300 sit-ups after which he was unable to stand on his feet and his condition deteriorated which led to his death. The local administration is now investigating these allegations.

According to the report, the 28-year-old Daren, a man in a province in the Philippines capital Manila, came out of his home to get drinking water, after which he was caught by a local group for breaking the lockdown rule and taken to a local police station . After this, he had to hold hundreds of sit-ups in the police station for violation of rules.

300 sit-ups and died

After this, as soon as Daren reached home, he told his partner that, he was in so much pain that he could not even stand with his feet. In a conversation with GMA News, the woman said that Darren had a heart problem and was in a lot of trouble when he came home. He said that, when I asked Darren why he was unable to walk, he told that the policemen asked him to have 100 sit-ups and this was increased to about 300 sit-ups. The reason for this is that he said that whenever his sit-ups were not right, he would be extended.

Darren’s partner also showed a video to local media in which he is seen in pain and difficulty in standing on his feet can be seen. Darren’s relatives have now demanded an investigation and action in the case.
