If America promises to stop airstrike, Taliban will suspend action


ISLAMABAD: Afghanistan Taliban said on Friday that it would stop attacks in southern Afghanistan, which has left thousands of people homeless this week, provided the US supports Afghanistan forces in the Battle of Helmand province Promise to stop the airstrikes.

A Taliban man with knowledge of the two sides said the development came after a discussion between US peace envoy Jalmay Khalilzad and the commander of US troops in Afghanistan, General Austin Miller.

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However, this person kept his identity confidential as he was not authorized to talk to the media on the matter. He said that the Taliban has promised to postpone the operation after the US agreed to stop drone strikes, night raids, etc. at its bases.

It is noteworthy that since last week, the southern Helmand province is turbulent due to the Taliban attacks, which after 19 years, the American effort to find a peaceful solution to the war looks bleak. More than 5,600 families have been displaced by Taliban rocket attacks and in response to air strikes by American and Afghan aircraft.
