Al Zawahiri Al Qaeda leader killed in US drone strike said Biden-found and killed, justice served

Al Zawahiri

New Delhi: According to the big news of the morning, America has killed Al-Qaeda Chief Ayman Al-Zawahiri. Actually, this information has been given by the White House on Monday night. According to the White House, the US military has targeted al-Zawahiri in a drone strike in Afghanistan. Let us know that Al-Zawahiri was an Egyptian surgeon, who was later included in the list of the world’s top terrorists.

Regarding the incident, US President Joe Biden addressed the nation after al-Zawahiri was killed. He said- “We have found Zawahiri and put him to death. We will not let go of the dangers that lie ahead for America and its people. We will continue our attacks on terror in Afghanistan.”

President Biden also tweeted earlier, “On my instructions last Saturday, the US conducted an airstrike in Kabul, Afghanistan, in which Al Qaeda’s Emir Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed. Now justice has been done.”

At the same time, the killing of Osama bin Laden in the year 2011, is the biggest blow to Al Qaeda so far. According to media reports, al-Zawahiri was also counted as the mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks on America, in which about 3,000 people died tragically.

Who was Al Zawahiri
An Egyptian doctor who was imprisoned in the 1980s for involvement in militant Islam, he left the country after his release and became involved in violent international jihadist movements.

Eventually, he settled in Afghanistan and joined forces with a rich Saudi, Osama Bin Laden. Together they declared war on the US and organized the 11 September 2001 attacks.

It took a decade for Bin Laden to be tracked down and killed by the US. After that, Zawahiri assumed leadership of al-Qaeda, but he became a remote and marginal figure, only occasionally issuing messages.
