What is China’s coronavirus BF.7? what are the symptoms

Chinas coronavirus BF.7

New Delhi: The Corona epidemic has caused havoc in China. The sudden spurt in cases of coronavirus infection in many parts of the world has raised India’s concerns. In view of this, the Union Health Minister reviewed the Covid-19 situation in the country on Wednesday. Mandaviya asked the people to wear masks and get vaccinated while behaving in a Covid-friendly manner. People have many questions regarding the new variant of Corona. After all, why does the coronavirus wake up in the cold? What is this virus causing havoc in China and what are its symptoms?

What is Corona’s BF.7 variant?
The coronavirus is mutating and making its own variants and sub-variants. Like- SARS-CoV-2 is the main virus. At the same time, many different variants and sub-variants came out. BF.7 is also equivalent to BA. These are all variants of Omicron. The study, published earlier this month in the journal Cell Host & Microbe, stated that the BF.7 sub-variant has 4.4 times more neutralization resistance than the original D614G variant.

Why does the virus wake up only in the cold
Why do the cases of coronavirus infection increase in the cold itself? In this regard, Dr. Randeep Guleria, former director of AIIMS, said that viral infection increases in winter. Due to the low temperature, the virus remains active for a long time. Apart from this, people stay indoors more in winter. In such a situation, there is a possibility of more infection of the virus from each other. In such a situation, people with higher risk need to be more careful. Dr. Guleria asked people to get booster doses. Dr. Guleria said that the testing of people coming from outside India has decreased. He said that if there is a cold and flu, then definitely get the test done. Dr. Guleria said that our situation is better than that of China. He said that along with genome sequencing of cases, it is necessary to follow Covid-appropriate behavior.

corona new variants

What are the Symptoms of the BF.7 variant?
As per reports, BF.7 most commonly affects the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms of infection associated with the BF.7 variant of the corona include fever, cough, sore throat, and runny nose. Apart from this, symptoms of fatigue, vomiting, and diarrhea can be seen. This virus can make people with weak immunity seriously ill.

Its infection spreads the fastest
The BF.7 sub-variant is the most infectious in its class compared to other variants reported so far. Experts say that this variant is spreading very fast. The incubation period of this virus is very short. This virus can infect people rapidly. It is said that this virus has the ability to infect even people who have taken the vaccine.

Can kill millions of people
According to a model, lakhs of people are expected to die due to this virus in the next few months. The RO of this variant is 10 to 18.6. This means that this virus has the ability to infect 10 to 18.6 other people on average. Experts say that this is the reason why the cases of corona are increasing wildly in China. Experts say that this variant in China will infect more than 60% of the population in the next 90 days.
