Supreme Court dismissed reconsideration petition in Shaheen Bagh case


New Delhi: The Supreme Court has dismissed the reconsideration petition in the Shaheen Bagh case. The Supreme Court has upheld the Shaheen Bagh judgment given in the month of October last year. The Supreme Court has said that people cannot stage demonstrations at their own will anywhere else. The sit-in demonstration is part of Democracy but has a limit.

Last year, the Supreme Court ruled that there should be a place marked for the dharna demonstration. If any person or group performs a sit-in protest out of it, according to the rules, the police have the right to remove them. Demonstration should not affect the common people. Public space cannot be occupied for dharna.

In this decision, the Supreme Court had termed the CAA Protest of Shaheen Bagh as illegal. This decision was challenged in the Supreme Court for reconsideration. Now the Supreme Court has dismissed the review petition.


In the year 2019, Shaheen Bagh appeared as the center of CAA protest in Delhi. A large number of people reached here and opposed the citizenship law. The protest ended in the garden after the lockdown imposed in March last year due to the corona virus epidemic. The people and critics present in the protest were calling this law ‘anti-Muslim’.
