Jupiter is going retrograde on 29th July, know how it will affect all zodiac signs


Jupiter, who changes the zodiac in a year, is now going to retrograde on 29th July 2022 while staying in his own zodiac sign Pisces. Retrograde motion means reverse motion. Earlier this year, on April 13, 2022, Guru transited in his own zodiac sign Pisces, stopping the journey of Aquarius. Devguru Jupiter transits in any one sign for 1 year.

The planet Jupiter is ruled by two zodiac signs, the first sign is Sagittarius and the second is Pisces. Jupiter is exalted in the Cancer sign i.e. when it stays in Cancer, it always gives good magnitude while in Capricorn it is debilitated. Jupiter will move retrograde for the next 5 months while staying in its zodiac sign Pisces. Due to the retrograde movement of Jupiter, a deep impact will be seen on the country and the world, and people of all zodiac signs. There is a possibility of getting good benefits on some zodiac signs when Jupiter is retrograde for the next 5 months.

From Friday, July 29, 2022, to Thursday, November 24, 2022, the planet Jupiter is going to move retrograde in Pisces. What will happen due to this reverse move of Guru, what will be the effect on 12 zodiac signs, and what is the remedy, let’s know.

  1. Aries: The planet Jupiter of your zodiac will be retrograde in the 12th house. This will increase your expenses. There will be work pressure in the workplace. You have to proceed with caution in business. Avoid making big investments. There is a possibility of lack or loss of money. Differences may arise with the kin.

Remedy: Perform a Yagya related to the planet Jupiter on any Thursday.

  1. Taurus: The planet Jupiter will be retrograde in the 11th house of your zodiac. Your income will increase due to this retrograde movement. If you are employed, there will be a salary increase and if you are a businessman, there will be profit. There will be a change in your working system.

Remedy: Worship the planet, Jupiter, every Thursday.

  1. Gemini: The planet Jupiter will be retrograde in the 10th house of your zodiac. You will see changes in the field of work due to this transit. If you are employed then there can be transfer with promotion and if you are a businessman then there will be profit from investment and there will be a plan for expansion in business.

Remedy: Offer food to old Brahmins or poor people on Thursday.

  1. Cancer: The planet Jupiter will be retrograde in the 9th house of your zodiac. You will get the support of luck during this time. Interest in religious work will increase. There will be profit in business and there will be progress in the job. Financially, the flow of money will be good.

Remedy: On Saturday, arrange food and water for the crows.

  1. Leo: The transit of Jupiter in the eighth house of your zodiac can create many problems. Excessive work pressure, job problems, loss in business, and its effect on health will be seen. However, there can be profit from ancestral property. Some problems may arise in the relationship with the spouse.

Remedy: Chant “Om Guruve Namah” 108 times on Thursday.

  1. Virgo: In the seventh house of your zodiac, the planet Jupiter will be retrograde. The behavior of co-workers at the workplace will be negative. You will not be able to earn the desired profit in business. There may be losses in the partnership business. You may have to face family problems. Health will have to be taken care of.

Remedy: Chant “Om Namah Shivaya” one rosary daily.

Libra: The retrograde of Jupiter in the sixth house of your zodiac can prove to be difficult in terms of job and career. Time in business will be average. You will be a little weak financially. There may be a dispute with the spouse. Health will have to be taken care of.

Remedy: Chant the mantra “Om Brihaspataye Namah” 21 times every day.

  1. Scorpio: Jupiter will be retrograde in the fifth house of your zodiac. During this, if you are employed, you will see mixed results. Don’t expect much profit if you are a trader. Although the inflow of money will be good, expenses will also increase. Relationship with spouse will be better. Some health may remain bad.

Remedy: Light an oil lamp under a Peepal tree on Thursday.

  1. Sagittarius: The retrograde of Jupiter in the fourth house of your zodiac will create tension in the job. There will be work pressure. There may be a situation of changing jobs. If you are a trader, you may have to suffer losses. There is a possibility of dispute in the family. Mother’s health has to be taken care of.

Remedy: Perform a Yagya related to the planet Jupiter on any Thursday.

  1. Capricorn: The retrograde movement of Jupiter in the third house of your zodiac will cause problems in the job, but their solution will also be easily solved. If you are a businessman then this time will prove beneficial. Financially this time will be average. You have to avoid the incident accident. You may get hurt.

Remedy: Perform a yajna for Lord Shankar on Thursday with a priest.

  1. Aquarius: The planet Jupiter will be retrograde in the second house of your zodiac. If you are employed then you will get more support from colleagues and superiors. There will be profit in business. Spouse’s support will also be available. However, your expenses will increase.

Remedy: On Saturday, feed the sweepers or handicapped people.

  1. Pisces: Your income will increase due to the retrograde movement of Jupiter in the first house of your zodiac, but you may have to face a sudden change in job. There will be no profit and no loss situation in the business. Some problems may arise in relation to the spouse. Income can be eighty and expenses can be rupees.

Remedy: Chant the mantra “Om Mandaya Namah” with one rosary every day. Otherwise, do it at least 44 times.
