Depening relations between Russia and China cab be seen as big turning point

Will China's alliance with Russia start a new Cold War?


New Delhi: From the very beginning, many concerns are being raised in western countries regarding the China-Russia alliance. While the Russia-Ukraine war is proving to create many revolutionary equations at the geostrategic and geopolitical level in the world, the deepening relations between Russia and China are also being seen as at least a major turning point. Both countries are staunch opponents of America leading the West. The coming together of both is a danger for America and the world. Now many experts have openly expressed their apprehension that a new cold war is about to start in the world.

A sign of the return of the Cold War?
America sees the jugalbandi of Russia and China as a threat to democracies. America argues that China is creating an international imbalance by supporting Russia against Ukraine. According to The Conversation’s article, the meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin is a sign of the Russia-China alliance as well as the return of the Cold War.

What is a cold war?
The Cold War term originated after World War II when the Soviet Union and the United States began a competition for supremacy rather than an arms war. In this, more efforts were made to go ahead by proving themselves better than others in every field and to bring other countries under their influence. This competition was clearly visible from the production of weapons to space and even the Olympic Games.

Two opposite ideologies
At the geopolitical level, these two opposite poles were different in many respects. Where America represented the capitalist economy, the Soviet Union represented communism. Germany also had two parts in these camps known as East and West. But the most dangerous aspect of this cold was the arms race and the danger of nuclear war on both sides was hovering over the world anytime.

After the cold war
By the end of the 1980s, the Cold War was formally over with the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the reunification of the two parts of Germany. After this, America remained the only economic superpower in the world and after America, Russia became a superpower only in terms of weapons. Due to this, America became the most powerful country in the world and it became an advocate of democracy.


What happened today
The screw comes here that communism did not end completely with the end of the Soviet Union, but it remained in Russia and China. Meanwhile, in the 2010s, China started emerging rapidly as an economic superpower, due to which America started getting a direct challenge. At the same time, the expansion of NATO in Eastern Europe began to “worry” Russia, and when Ukraine bordering it expressed its intention to join NATO, Russia was displeased, resulting in the Russia-Ukraine War.

America’s Enemies Unite
The unification of China and Russia may be the unification of two enemies of America and America fears that this may give a direct and big challenge to its supremacy in the world and may start a new cold war. This apprehension of America is not baseless. Although Russia and especially China have shown no signs of becoming such a pole apart, but have taken care not to send such a message, Jean’s past behavior and the enmity of both with the US has brought them closer. Shouldn’t be surprised if he does.

Relations between China and Russia are old. At one time, China had adopted a different path from the leadership of the Soviet Union, but even now both have many common reasons to come closer. Yet there are many issues that also separate the two. China’s ambition will not allow it to remain under Russia and Putin will also not like to be called China’s number two ally. On the other hand, China has a tussle with India, then Russia and India have strong relations, India’s growing power can also prevent the world from dividing into two poles in future, it is difficult to deny it now.
