CEO who advised to work for 18 hours was slandered on social media, apologized

CEO Shantanu Deshpande1

New Delhi: Mumbai Shaving Company CEO Shantanu Deshpande, who has been furious on social media for advising youth to work 18 hours a day, has now apologized for his first post by making another post on LinkedIn.Shantanu has written in his post that people are messaging their parents saying that their son is the boss of the slaves.

Significantly, Shantanu Deshpande wrote in one of his LinkedIn posts that if you are 22 years old and have a new job in the company, then you should throw yourself into it. Shantanu further wrote, “Eat well and stay fit but keep working 18 hours a day for at least 4-5 years. Worship your work and don’t cry.

The first 5 years are very important
In a LinkedIn post, he wrote that youth are influenced by online content and strive for work-life balance. I have seen many youngsters who see random content everywhere and convince themselves that work-life balance, and spending time with family is important. Shantanu says that there is no need to do all this so soon. He wrote that what you get in the first 5 years of your career is very important for the rest of your life.

After this post, Deshpande came under the target of social media users. People reprimanded him fiercely. One user wrote that due to people like these, a new generation of slaves will be created which will make people like Shantanu rich. Some other users also reprimanded him. Seeing the increasing protests, now Shantun has apologized by writing another post on LinkedIn itself.

CEO Shantanu Deshpande1

Shantanu has also shared an interview. He wrote, “I apologize to anyone I have hurt by my post. My point needs to be seen very precisely and in the right context. Perhaps my feelings have been shown correctly in this interview. If you have time, do watch it.”
