Elderly Man Throws Garland of Shoes in Indore Courtroom

Indore court room

Indore: In a dramatic courtroom incident at District Court No. 40 in Indore, an elderly man expressed his frustration by hurling a garland of shoes toward the judge. The accused, Mohammad Salim, had been eagerly awaiting the verdict, which ultimately did not favor him. The situation escalated when lawyers present in the courtroom apprehended Salim and physically confronted him before handing him over to the police.

Here are the additional details surrounding this unusual event:

  • Background and Motive:
  • Mohammad Salim resides near Fatima Mosque in Kohinoor Colony. His dispute with the mosque committee dates back to 2012 when he claimed that they had illegally encroached upon his land.
  • Despite filing complaints with the Municipal Corporation, Salim received no resolution. Frustrated by the lack of action, he decided to take the matter to court.
  • Salim demanded the removal of the alleged illegal encroachment by the mosque committee. However, during the land measurement process, it was determined that the disputed land indeed belonged to the mosque.
  • Verdict and Reaction:
  • On Tuesday afternoon, the court delivered its verdict, dismissing Salim’s case. The outcome was not in his favor, confirming his fears.
  • Anticipating an unfavorable ruling, Salim had concealed a garland of shoes under his clothes.
  • When the verdict was announced, he flung the garland toward the judge’s table, expressing his anger and disappointment.
  • Confrontation and Police Intervention:
  • Lawyers present in the courtroom swiftly apprehended Salim after his shoe-throwing act.
  • In a heated exchange, they physically confronted him, expressing their disapproval of his behavior.
  • Eventually, the lawyers handed Salim over to the police, who took him into custody.
Indore court room

This incident has left the legal community in shock, highlighting the emotional intensity that can arise during court proceedings. The garland of shoes, a symbol of disdain, became an unexpected focal point in the courtroom, underscoring the gravity of Salim’s frustration. The authorities are now investigating the matter further, and Salim faces potential legal consequences for his actions.
