Volcano erupts in Indonesia, thousands evacuated

Volcano erupts in Indonesia

Jakarta: A volcano erupted in eastern Indonesia on Sunday, sending ash to an altitude of 4,000 meters and evacuating thousands of people. The volcano erupted in East Nusa Tenggara province, said Raditya Jaiti, a spokesman for the Disaster Mitigation Agency.

Volcano erupts in Indonesia

ERUPTION: Indonesia’s Mount Ile Lewotolok volcano sent a column of ash more than 13,000 feet into the sky, prompting the evacuation of thousands of people. https://t.co/Y1TJaffIIh pic.twitter.com/1eofagHe46

  • ABC News (@ABC) November 30, 2020

Courtsey: ABC News

About 2,800 people were evacuated from at least 28 villages around the volcano Mount Ili Levotolok. No casualties have been reported so far. The local airport was closed after the volcano erupted, as ash was scattered in the sky, the transport ministry said. There are more than 120 active volcanoes in Indonesia.
