Volcano erupted near Congo town of Goma, lava flowed on the streets

Volcano erupted near Congo town of Goma

Goma (Congo): Volcano Erupts, located near Goma City in Congo, erupted on Mount Nyiragongo on Saturday, causing the entire sky to turn red and lava to flow into the streets. Due to volcanic eruptions, the people of the city were frightened and ran away from their homes. Witnesses say lava has been hit on a highway connecting Goma to another province. It is not yet clear how many people have died due to volcanic eruptions.

Volcano erupted near Congo town of Goma

The locals alleged that the authorities had not given any order to leave the area in the wake of the volcano eruption. This volcano last erupted in 2002 when hundreds of people died here and lava reached all the runways of the airport. The United Nations peacekeeping mission tweeted a picture of the city after the volcano erupted. He said that he is keeping an eye on the area through his planes. The mission stated, “It does not appear that lava is moving towards the city of Goma, yet we are cautious.”
