US to resume Johnson Covid vaccination despite rare risk of blood clotting

Johnson & Johnson's vaccine

Washington: US health officials have removed the 11-day ban on the Covid-19 vaccination with a single dose of Johnson & Johnson Company (Johnson & Johnson vaccinations). Scientific advisors found that its benefits far outweighed the rare danger of blood clots. It was then decided to lift the ban. Out of 80 lakh beneficiaries of this vaccine, the government detected 15 such people in which a very rare condition of blood clotting occurred. They were all women whose age was below 50 years.

Three of them died and seven were hospitalized. But finally, on Friday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) decided that Johnson & Johnson’s one-dose vaccine was crucial in fighting the global epidemic. Along with this, it has also been said that this small risk of blood clotting should be applied with caution so that younger women can decide whether to get the vaccine or choose another option.

Johnson & Johnson

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said in a statement, “Above all else, health and safety are paramount in our decisions”. “Our vaccine safety system is working,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said in a statement. We have seen extremely rare incidents out of millions of doses of J&J vaccines and are constantly monitoring them. ” The US decision came on the findings of CDC advisors who voted 10 in favor of resuming vaccination but experts have also asked for a risk warning.
