Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is freak and killer, claims former intelligence chief

Saad Aljabri-Saudi Crown Prince

Dubai: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been described as a psycho by a former intelligence chief of the country, Saad Aljabri. In an interview and Saad Aljabari said, ‘We have seen the atrocities and crimes committed by this killer.’ this can become a big challenge for the countries. He claimed that the Crown Prince is a killer.

He said this in an interview given to CBS News a few days before US President Joe Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia. “He is a psychopath without empathy. Doesn’t feel emotions. He never learned from his experience.

Mohammed bin Salman’s gang is named ‘Tiger Squad’
Saad claimed that Mohammed bin Salman has a gang of dangerous people called ‘Tiger Squad’. Kidnapping and murder are done through this. He said in the interview aired on Sunday, ‘I have come here to raise my voice against a freak, murderer, who has become a big challenge in Central Asia. He can become a threat to Americans and the whole world.

Let us tell you that Aljabari was an advisor to Mohammed bin Nayef for a long time. He was the Crown Prince of Saudi till June 2017 and after that Mohammed bin Salman became Crown Prince.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

Canada shifted citing a threat to life
Aljabari felt the danger to his own life, so he went to Canada. Aljabari told a Washington DC court that Mohammed bin Salman had sent a squad to Toronto to kill him. Two weeks before this, Saudi journalist Jamla Khashoggi was murdered in Istanbul. He said that I may be killed someday because I have important information about the royal family and the government. He will not rest until he sees me dead.
