Jewish journalists secretly reached Mecca, created a ruckus in the Muslim world

Jewish journalists secretly reached Mecca

New Delhi: An Israeli journalist has secretly reached Mecca and reported from there. After which there has been an uproar all over the world. After this uproar, the statement of a minister of the Israeli government has come to the fore. Israel’s Minister of Regional Cooperation Isavi Frege has called the TV reporting of a Jewish Israeli journalist in Mecca visiting Mecca foolish.

Isavi Frege said, “I’m sorry it was a stupid act and there’s nothing to be proud of. This report was done for TV ratings. This reporting will only hurt the prospects of Saudi Arabia-Israel efforts to normalize relations.

Frege further said, ‘It is a holy place for Muslims. So what was the point of going there for reporting? If you had to report from there, you would have sent a Muslim journalist. Because now the damage caused by this incident is very high.

Let us inform you that on Monday, Israel’s Channel 13 shared a report of journalist Gil Tamari’s visit to the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca. Since then people have become very angry. However, only after the controversy escalated, did the TV channel and the journalist publicly apologize for it.

This 10-minute documentary film by Jewish journalist Gil was shot in several parts of Mecca. During this, the journalist also visited the Grand Mosque of Mecca, and later he also reached Mount Arafat. The journalist reported in the Hebrew language for this documentary. At the same time, he also used the English language in many places, so that it is not obvious that he is Israeli.

It is to be known that, this incident happened at a time when Joe Biden arrived on their first tour of the Middle East. He also visited Israel and Saudi Arabia during this tour. Israeli journalists had arrived in Saudi Arabia for coverage of Biden’s visit, but then they secretly went to Mecca.
