Lady Police Home Guard’s On-Stage Embrace Singer, Suspended Amid Viral Outcry

Assam Police Lady Home Guard

Guwahati: In a surprising turn of events at a concert in Dibrugarh, Assam, a female home guard from the Assam Police faced suspension after her impromptu on-stage interaction with popular singer Zubin Garg became a social media sensation. The incident occurred during the vibrant Basant Utsav celebrations in Chabua on May 10, where the renowned singer was performing.

Unexpected Stage Encounter: A Viral Sensation

Mili Prabha Chutia, the home guard stationed at Chabua Police Station, found herself in the spotlight after she ascended the stage and approached Garg. In a moment caught on camera, Chutia attempted to touch the singer’s feet, followed by an embrace and a kiss. The video quickly spread across social media platforms, sparking a mix of reactions from the public.

Swift Action by Authorities

The administration took immediate action against Chutia for what was deemed gross negligence and misconduct while on duty. Her actions, considered inappropriate for a uniformed officer, led to her suspension. The incident has ignited a debate over the expected conduct of uniformed personnel at public events and the balance between professional responsibilities and personal admiration for celebrities.

Assam Police Lady Home Guard

Public Reaction and Debate

The viral video has prompted widespread discussion, with many netizens criticizing the home guard’s behavior as unprofessional. Others have expressed their views on the need to maintain decorum by those in uniform, regardless of the situation. The debate continues as the video circulates, highlighting the scrutiny faced by public servants in the age of social media.

This incident serves as a reminder of the professional boundaries expected of law enforcement officers and the power of social media to amplify moments of indiscretion. The Assam Police’s prompt response underscores their commitment to upholding these standards.
