Ishaq Dar Ascends to Deputy Prime Minister Role Amid Pakistan’s Political Shuffle

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Islamabad: In a significant reshuffle within Pakistan’s political landscape, Ishaq Dar, the country’s Foreign Minister, has been elevated to the position of Deputy Prime Minister. The announcement came through an official notification from the Cabinet Secretariat on Sunday, marking a notable advancement in Dar’s extensive political career.

At 73, Dar is not only a seasoned chartered accountant but also a stalwart of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), led by Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif. His appointment as Deputy Prime Minister is effective immediately and will continue until further notice as per the directive of Prime Minister Sharif.

Dar’s political journey is deeply intertwined with the Sharif family, having held the critical portfolio of Finance Minister in the last two administrations. His expertise in financial matters had positioned him as the PML-N’s go-to figure for economic challenges. During his tenure as Finance Minister in the previous Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) coalition government, Dar was often seen as the linchpin for the party’s economic strategies.

Speculations had been rife about Dar’s potential appointment as the chairman of the Senate, Pakistan’s upper legislative chamber, just last month. However, internal party dynamics saw a shift when the PML-N decided to enter into an agreement with the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), spearheaded by Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. The deal was aimed at consolidating support for the coalition government, which consequently altered the course of Dar’s political trajectory.

As a result of the negotiations, the PML-N conceded the influential positions of Speaker and Senate Chairman to the PPP. This strategic move left Dar to explore alternative avenues within the government structure, culminating in his current appointment as Deputy Prime Minister.

Dar’s new role comes at a time when Pakistan is grappling with economic challenges and political complexities. His vast experience and close association with the ruling party’s leadership are expected to play a pivotal role in navigating the country through these turbulent times.
