Heavy increase in flour prices in Pakistan, expected to reach Rs 150 per kg

flour prices in Pakistan

Karachi: The economic condition of Pakistan is getting worse day by day. It is becoming difficult for people to even get bread on June 2. There is news that the prices of flour are continuously increasing. The flour price is now going to reach Rs 150 per kg. At present, the price of a 100 kg flour sack has crossed Rs 12,000. In Sindh, flour was available at Rs 104 a week ago and Rs 96 to Rs 115 per kg last month.

Similarly, the prices of fine and super fine flour have increased to Rs 118 per kg from Rs 108 per kg a week ago and Rs 105 last month, according to a report in The Dawn. At the same time, the price of milled flour has increased from Rs 120 a month back to Rs 140 per kg.

Here the market association has said that flour mills have a limited stock of wheat. Because of this, flour mills are giving a limited quantity of flour to the market. Amir Abdullah, president of the Pakistan Flour Mills Association (PFMA) for Sindh, says that the prices of fine and super fine varieties have increased the most after the price of a 100-kg bag of wheat has increased to Rs 10,200 from Rs 9,300 a week ago in the open market. A significant increase has been observed. Last month the bags were selling for Rs 8,300.

flour prices in Pakistan

At present, there is news that in many cities in Pakistan, there are long queues for flour. Be aware that there is a huge shortage of gas and rice along with wheat in Pakistan. Pakistan is getting gas on loan, but its cost is very high. At the same time, the severe flood this year has also caused a lot of damage to the crops. In such a situation, the prices of grains are increasing a lot. Earlier, there was a scuffle over gas in Pakistan. People were seen running from one place to another with empty tanks to get refilled.
