China condemns G-7, said – time has passed for small groups to take global decisions


Beijing: China has been badly irritated by the G-7 countries’ summit which started in Corbys Bay in southwest England on Friday. A spokesman for the Chinese embassy in London said, “The time is long gone when small groups of countries used to take global decisions. We always believe that whether the country is big or small, strong or weak, poor or rich, all are equal and decisions should be taken on the issues related to the world even after consultation with all the countries.

G-7 leaders have unveiled an infrastructure plan to compete with China’s global campaign, but have yet to agree on how to stop China from violating human rights. US President Joe Biden has prepared a plan at the G-7 summit to pressure democracies to boycott China over bonded labor practices.

At the same time, on Saturday, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau led the discussion about China. He appealed to all the leaders to take joint steps to stop the growing threat from China. Let us tell you that the G-7 countries are planning to offer developing countries to be part of such an infrastructure scheme, which can compete with China’s multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative.


The conference, which started on Friday in Carbis Bay, South West England, will conclude on Sunday. The G-7 is a grouping of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. On Saturday, PM Narendra Modi also participated in this conference of G-7 countries through video conferencing. During this, the Prime Minister gave the slogan ‘One Earth, One Health’ which was supported by the German Chancellor Angela Mackerel.

PM Modi called for global leadership and solidarity, holding democratic and transparent societies especially responsible for future prevention of epidemics like Covid-19. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also called for the G-7’s support for the WTO proposal by India, South Africa for patent exemption on COVID-related technologies.
