BBC chairman Richard Sharp resigns,  independent report found he breached rules 

Richard Sharp- Boris Johnson

LONDON: Richard Sharp, chairman of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), resigned on Friday following reports that he had breached government rules governing government appointments.

A report revealed that Conservative Party donor Sharp had helped arrange a loan for then-prime minister Boris Johnson in 2021, weeks before he was appointed BBC chairman on the government’s recommendation. The government-funded national broadcaster BBC has come under pressure since the revelations.

What did Sharp say about his resignation?
“I have decided that it is right to put the interests of the BBC first, so this morning I have tendered my resignation as President of the BBC to the Foreign Minister and to the Board,” Sharp said in a statement, the BBC reported.

Richard Sharp- Boris Johnson

CNN reports that Conservative Party donor Richard Sharp helped arrange the loan for then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson in 2021. Former BBC chief Sharpe said he was unaware of the rules and is resigning to prioritize the interests of the BBC after being breached.

Richard Sharpe said he agreed to give the government time to find his successor. He said he is acceding to the request to stay on till the end of June. Senior advocate Adam Heppinstall’s report on the developments will be published on Friday.
