Israeli Embassy blast: CCTV found a major clue, ammonium nitrate explosion

Israeli Embassy blast

New Delhi: The IED blast occurred on Friday evening outside the Israeli Embassy on the Aurangzeb Road in the Lutyens area of ​​Delhi. However, there were no casualties in the blast. police gave this information. Additional Public Relations Officer of Delhi Police, Anil Mittal said that some cars were damaged in the blast in the over-protected area and preliminary investigation showed that someone had done the mischief to create a sensation. At the same time, Police Commissioner SN Srivastava said after inspecting the site that the Special Cell of Delhi Police is investigating the IED Blast case which took place outside the Embassy. According to sources associated with the special cell, the use of ammonium nitrate is suspected in the bomb.

At present, no terrorist organization has yet claimed responsibility for the bombings near the Israeli embassy. Since this incident, an alert has been issued in many states. During the police investigation, an envelope has been found near the Israeli embassy, ​​which had some reference to the Israeli embassy. At the same time, the investigating agencies have got some important clues from 3 CCTV cameras.

Initial investigations have revealed that the bomb was planted in a pot outside the embassy in the middle of APJ Abdul Kalam Road. An official said that the bomb disposal squad also conducted a search operation at the spot to find out more bombs in the area. Forensic experts also visited the blast site. Sources said some ball bearings have also been found on the spot which were used in making the bomb. According to sources associated with the special cell, the use of ammonium nitrate in the bomb was suspected. Sources said that the surrounding grass and soil samples have been collected for examination. Some metals have also been collected.

Some insiders are quoted as saying that there is a 29-29 connection to the blast outside the Israeli embassy. The attacker wanted to deliver a big message while blasting low intensity. Let us tell you that 29 years of diplomatic friendship between India and Israel have been completed. At the same time, we had a beating retreat on the 29th, and the time chosen was 5.05 minutes. This is the time when President Ramnath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi were reaching Vijay Chowk for a Beating Retreat ceremony.

Here, sources are quoted saying that so far there is information about the same IED. After collecting the forensic evidence, all these samples will be sent to the National Bomb Data Center (NBDC) of NSG for further investigation. NSG’s NBDC team can also visit the spot today.

Israeli Embassy blast

The news is also coming that after this blast in Delhi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah held a late night meeting with top security officials. Several senior officials from security and intelligence agencies were also present at the meeting. In the same sequence, Amit Shah can hold another meeting today. He has now canceled his tour of Bengal as well.

Here, the Israeli Foreign Ministry has called the incident a terrorist incident. Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenji is being regularly updated on the incident. He has also ordered to take all necessary security measures. After this blast Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said that we have full confidence in our friend India. Officials in India will ensure complete protection of all Israelites and Jews living in India.

At the same time, Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar also spoke to the Israeli Foreign Minister and said that we are taking this incident seriously. In addition, he has also assured the security of the embassy and Israeli diplomats. He clearly said that the culprits will not be spared. Here, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval spoke to his Israeli counterpart. Important information has also been given to Israel on their behalf.

Significantly, in February 2012, the car of a diplomat of the Israeli Embassy in Delhi was attacked when a motorcycle rider planted an explosive in the car at a traffic signal. A few seconds later the car exploded and Rajanik and three other people were injured.
