C-Vigil App Receives Over 15,000 Complaints of Code of Conduct Violations

Election Commission

Jaipur: The Election Commission’s ‘C-Vigil’ app, which allows citizens to report any violation of the model code of conduct during the ongoing assembly elections in Rajasthan, has received more than 15,000 complaints till Sunday, according to the Chief Electoral Officer Praveen Gupta.

Gupta said that the complaints received through the app are being verified and resolved within the stipulated time limit of 100 minutes, as far as possible. He said that out of the total 15,222 complaints, 5,757 were found to be true and most of them have been resolved, while the remaining eight complaints are under investigation and action.

He said that the app has helped ensure free and fair elections in the state, as it empowers the citizens to report any malpractice or violation of the code of conduct by any candidate or party. He said that the app also provides a status update to the complainant about the action taken on their complaint.


He said that the app has received the maximum number of complaints from Jaipur district, which is 2,310. Out of these, 908 were found to be correct and most of them have been resolved, while the remaining two complaints are being probed. He said that the app has also received complaints from other districts such as Jodhpur, Udaipur, Kota, Ajmer, Bikaner, Alwar, Bharatpur, and Jaisalmer.
