Amul’s Twitter account blocked after sharing cartoon on CHINA, reactivated after protests

amul china cartoon

New Delhi. For the past one month, there has been a dispute over the border between India and China. In the meantime, soldiers of both countries also clashed several times. After which the boycott of Chinese products is being run all over the country. Meanwhile, Amul also shared a cartoon on China on Twitter.

After which his account was blocked. This decision of Twitter was strongly opposed. On which Twitter has now activated Amul’s account again.

In the case, Amul India Managing Director RS Sodhi said that the company’s Twitter account was blocked on June 4 after sharing the cartoon created on the Exit the Dragon topic. After this, he followed all the protocols, then his account was activated again. He also asked questions in this regard on Twitter, but so far no response has come from him.

Twitter also clarified

According to Twitter, he did not block Amul’s account due to Chinese cartoons. This step was taken from the point of view of security of Amul’s account. According to Twitter, the company’s account was not deactivated, they only prevented access. When Amul completed all the formalities, the account was restarted.

Trend spread on Twitter

The news of Amul’s account being blocked spread like fire on social media. After which Amul started trending on Twitter. During this, the users took out fierce anger against Twitter. One user wrote that Twitter blocked Amul’s account on a cartoon, while China does not even let the Twitter site open in its country.

This is so embarrassing. At the same time, a user named Deepak wrote that Twitter does not require you to take anyone’s side. You are not part of it. If you do this, then the Indians who have started the Exit the Dragon campaign, they can also start the Exit the Twitter campaign.
