Air India Express Crisis: Another day of operational disruption74 Flights Canceled

Air India Express

New Delhi: Air India Express has faced another day of operational disruption as 74 flights were canceled due to a significant number of crew members taking mass leave. This follows the cancellation of 90 flights the previous day, causing widespread inconvenience to thousands of passengers.

In response to the escalating situation, the airline has offered affected passengers the option to either receive a full ticket refund or select an alternative flight. Amidst the turmoil, Air India Express management has taken a firm stance against the absent employees. Reports from NNI indicate that approximately 25 cabin crew members have been terminated for failing to report to work.

Furthermore, the airline has issued a stern warning to the striking cabin crew, demanding their return to work by 4 pm on Thursday. Failure to comply could result in further dismissals.

As of now, one Air India Express flight from New Delhi has been reported canceled, contributing to the nationwide total of 74. The CEO of Air India Express has scheduled a town hall meeting in an effort to resolve the ongoing crisis.

The airline has also taken proactive measures to mitigate the impact on passengers. In a recent statement, Air India Express announced that it is offering alternative flights with its group airlines. The aim is to facilitate passengers’ travel plans and minimize delays.

Passenger Advisory: Refunds Issued Without Penalty
The mass cancellations have led to overcrowding at several airports. Air India Express has advised passengers to verify their ‘flight status’ on the airline’s official website before departing for the airport. Those with canceled flights are entitled to a refund, which will be processed without any deduction of fees.

Air India Express

Passengers seeking refunds can submit their requests via WhatsApp to the number +91 6360012345. Additionally, refund requests can be made through the airline’s website at

The airline’s commitment to customer service remains steadfast during this challenging period, as they strive to ensure passengers reach their destinations with minimal disruption.
