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Firing in supermarket grocery store in New York2

Firing in buffalo supermarket grocery store in New York, 10 killed, accused in police...

New Delhi: According to big news coming from America, there was a fierce shooting at a supermarket in New York at 2:30 pm on...
Kim Jong Un

Kim Jong categorically refuses foreign corona vaccine, will prevent epidemic in ‘his style’

Seoul: North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un has told officials "in his own style" after he turned down offers of some foreign anti-Covid-19 vaccines...
business News

Merck Foundation CEO Acknowledge Burundi First Ladys Efforts as Ambassador of More Than a...

​ Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany joined H.E. Madam ANGELINE NDAYISHIMIYE, The First Lady of Burundi...
stampede at famous Khatu Shyam fair of Rajasthan

3 women devotees lost their lives, many injured in stampede at Khatu Shyam fair...

Jaipur: A big news has come out from the Sikar district of Rajasthan. In the famous Khatu Shyam Temple here, a stampede broke out...

Meta earns Rs 5400 crore in 24 hours by selling blue ticks on Instagram...

New Delhi: Social media giant Meta, which runs Instagram and Facebook, has now launched its verification service in India. The company launched this paid...
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