Cousins ​​molested sister in the middle of the road; When she started going to the police, they tore her clothes

shivpuri incident

Shivpuri: Shameful news has come from the Shivpuri district of Madhya Pradesh. Here the cousins ​​molested the woman. When the sister protested, the brothers beat her fiercely. He was slapped, rained with sticks and shoes. Not only this, the youths dragged him on the road and also tore his clothes. The police have arrested the accused on the complaint of the woman. The video of the incident has gone viral.

According to the information, the matter is of Narwar town. The woman was going to the forest to graze goats on Saturday. On the way, he met his cousins ​​Jitendra and Ramesh Kushwaha. Both were keeping a bad eye on the sister for many days. Seeing him alone on Saturday, both of them got a chance to molest. They started harassing her in the middle of the road. The woman got very scared and somehow ran for her life.

Threatened for not going to the police
After some time when the woman recovered, she thought of complaining to the police. She was on her way to the police station when on the way again the accused surrounded her. This time the mother of the accused was also with him. The trio threatened the victim and asked her not to approach the police. When she did not agree, the accused youth broke down on her. slapped him, beat him with kicks and sticks, dragged him down the road, and tore his clothes. During this, the mother of the accused also slapped him.

shivpuri incident

No one saved
Those who came out of there kept seeing this fight happening in the middle of the road. No one rescued the woman from the youths. After this, the woman again reached the police station after saving her life and got a report written against the accused. On the complaint of the woman, the police registered a case against the accused brothers for molestation, abuse, assault, and threatening to kill.
