US announces $2 million rewards for providing information on

human trafficker Abid Ali Khan price

Washington: The US on Thursday announced a reward of $1 million to anyone providing information about alleged human trafficker Abid Ali Khan and $1 million to anyone providing information about his network. Ali Khan is a Pakistani citizen.

The Interior Department said that Ali Khan runs a smuggling network from Pakistan and takes money from people without valid documents to get them into the US through the Middle East and South-West Asia.

In a press release, the department said that Ali Khan, apart from illegally allowing people to enter the US through various countries from Pakistan, also provides forged travel documents to foreign nationals.

human trafficker Abid Ali Khan price

According to this, the first prize of $1 million has been set for the arrest of Ali Khan or for providing concrete information about him, while the second reward of $1 million has been announced for providing information that destroys Ali Khan’s human trafficking network. Is.
