Trump’s advisor’s tweet calling ‘mask unusable’ deleted


New York: Twitter on Sunday deleted a tweet from an advisor to US President Donald Trump in which he said the mask was not effective in preventing the spread of the Corona Virus.

In August, Scott Atlas, associated with the White House as a science advisor, tweeted, “Does the mask work? No.” Apart from this, he also said that the policy asking people to wear masks cannot be supported.


A Twitter spokesperson said that the tweet is a violation of the company’s policy, under which no person can post such false or misleading information in relation to Covid-19, causing harm to people. The policy prohibits those statements by health experts confirming their being inaccurate or misleading. In such cases Twitter keeps the account of the person concerned inactive until it deletes its own post.

President Trump has been consistently undermining the usefulness of masks in dealing with the corona virus and even continued to do so even after being infected himself. So far 2,15,000 American people have died from this infection. Atlas said in an email, “I don’t understand why the tweets were removed.” He termed this move of Twitter as censorship.

Atlas stated that his intention was to state that a policy asking people to wear masks is not effective. He clarified that the correct policy regarding masks is to use it when one cannot follow social distance.
