Teacher shows ‘inappropriate’ cartoon of Prophet Mohammad to children in UK school

Teacher shows 'inappropriate' cartoon of Prophet Mohammad

London: Suspend teacher for showing ‘inappropriate’ cartoon of Prophet Mohammed in a class by a teacher in a school in the Midlands region of England. Given. However, Britain on Friday called the parents’ threats and demonstrations an ‘unacceptable’ incident. Earlier this week a photo was shown by the teacher during a class at Batley Grammar School in West Yorkshire, after which demonstrations outside the school began.

However, the teacher has been suspended and investigation is pending in this case. Regarding this, the headmaster has asked for ‘unconditional apology’. A spokesman for the education department said, “The incident of threatening or intimidating teachers can never be accepted.” When an issue arises, we encourage interaction between parents and schools. However, other things we have seen including violations of the applicable rules to threaten and prevent the spread of Corona virus infection are not acceptable and should be eradicated. ”

Teacher shows 'inappropriate' cartoon of Prophet Mohammad

The spokesperson said that schools are free to incorporate a wide range of issues, ideas and materials into their curriculum, including challenging and controversial ones. However they must balance this to increase respect and tolerance among people of different beliefs and beliefs, and this decision should also include what kind of material can be included in the classroom.

Department officials said that they were in touch with the school and local authorities after videos surfaced on social media of slogans by a crowd of people at the school’s doorstep. The cartoon is believed to be from the French magazine Charley Hebdo and was shown to students in a religious studies class on Monday. Local British Muslim groups have also appealed to the community to maintain peace.
