Diplomatic relations between Bahrain and Israel to be normal, Trump mediated

Bahrain and Israel

Washington: US President Donald Trump has entered into a peace agreement with Bahrain in West Asia and has announced that it will help normalize diplomatic relations with Israel. Trump made the announcement after a phone call between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and King Hamad bin Issa Al Khalifa of Bahrain. About a month earlier, Trump had mediated between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel.

Bahrain and Israel

An agreement between the UAE and Israeli leaders is to be signed at the White House next week. Trump told reporters that inspired by the spirit of peace and cooperation, Netanyahu and Al Khalifa agreed that Bahrain would fully normalize its diplomatic relations with Israel. Diplomatic relations will be established between the two countries, direct flights will begin and initiatives will be taken for cooperation in broad areas including health, business, technology, education, security and agriculture. “Actually it is a historic day,” Trump said. He said, “Now that many countries are normalizing relations with Israel, we are confident that the region will be more stable, secure and prosperous.”
