China’s indigenous vaccine is of no use, Now will apply German vaccine to its citizens

BioEnTech COVID-19 vaccines

New Delhi: China is currently in the grip of Coronavirus infection. Omicron’s sub-variant BF.7 (Omicron Sub-Variant BF.7) is wreaking havoc in China. Thousands of deaths are happening in a day, and lakhs of people are getting infected. There is a shortage of beds in the hospitals here. Patients have to be treated by lying on the floor. There is less space for cremation in crematoriums. In the opinion of experts, many waves of corona are going to come soon in China (China Covid Crisis). It is being claimed that about 60 percent of China’s population may be vulnerable to corona infection. Such is the situation when Dragon claims that it has given indigenous vaccine coverage to all its citizens. Questions were being raised earlier also on the efficacy of China’s corona vaccine, now even the dragon itself does not believe in its indigenous vaccine. That’s why he has now decided to introduce a German-made vaccine to his citizens.

A spokesman for the German government said on Wednesday that Berlin has sent its first batch of BioEnTech COVID-19 vaccines to China. First of all, this vaccine will be given to German immigrants living in China. According to China’s official news agency Xinhua, so far 87% of the population above 60 years has been fully vaccinated, but only 66.4% of the elderly above 80 years of age have been vaccinated. China has imposed indigenous Sinopharm and CoronaVac vaccines on its citizens. But both these vaccines seem to be proving ineffective in the fight against Corona. According to an estimate, 70 percent of the population of the capital Beijing has been affected by the coronavirus. China’s epidemiologist (epidemiologist) Wu Junyao has expressed the possibility of 3 waves of corona in the country in the next 3 months. He has claimed that China is currently facing the first wave of coronavirus infection and its peak may come in mid-January. Lunar New Year is starting in China on January 21, during this time people will travel, and there will be a lot of crowds in the markets, due to which the second wave may come.

Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

According to Wu Junyou, the second wave of corona may start in China at the end of January and will last till mid-February. At the same time, the third wave can start at the end of February, and can last till mid-March. Omicron’s 2 sub-variants BA.5.2 and BF.7 are behind the current Corona crisis in China. The capital Beijing is in the grip of BF.7. The World Health Organization has described Omicron’s BF.7 sub-variant as the most infectious. Airfinity, a London-based global health intelligence company, has estimated that there could be 2.1 million deaths in the corona wave that started after the withdrawal of the ‘Zero Covid Policy’ in China. According to Airfinity, these deaths will happen due to low vaccination in China and a lack of antibodies among people against the virus. The current situation in this communist country is such that the quota of Ibuprofen tablets has been fixed. A person cannot buy more than a certain limit of Ibuprofen tablets. This medicine is useful for fever, headache, and body pain. A customer is ordered to deliver a maximum of 6 Ibuprofen tablets.
