China engaged in including Afghanistan in BRI project after Taliban capture


Beijing: After the Taliban’s occupation of Afghanistan, China is now engaging the Taliban with its Belt and Road (BRI Project) Initiative project. Under the BRI project, China wants to connect Europe, Africa, and Asia through its road, rail, and waterways. Under the BRI, the first route is planned to start from China and take it to Iraq via Russia and Iran, for this they need the help of Afghanistan. This is the reason why China wants a government in Afghanistan that works according to it.

Under the One Belt One Road of Chinese President Xi Jinping, he wants to connect about 60 countries of the world by rail, road, and sea. Pakistan has already come under Chinese occupation, which is directly connecting China with Gwadar port. Afghanistan has been an important country in China’s BRI project and Afghanistan is also a formal member of BRI. But he did not give a green signal to this project of China.

It is said that for the last five years, China had given full force to connect Afghanistan with this project, but due to the presence and influence of America, the Ghani government of Afghanistan kept itself away from this project. Now after the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan and the Taliban is captured, China has a chance.

According to intelligence reports, China is reactivating its BRI project in Afghanistan. For this, the planning of a high-speed motorway from Peshawar to Kabul is being carried forward. Pakistan’s National Highway N5 goes through Islamabad to Peshawar and then to Lundi Kotal near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border Khyber. AH76 highway of Afghanistan which goes directly to Kabul. The distance from Peshawar to Kabul is around 280 kms, which takes 5 to 6 hours to cover.


To make BRI successful in a landlocked country surrounded by six countries like Afghanistan, a complete plan is ready to spread a network of road and rail network. China and Pakistan have become active since the announcement of the withdrawal of US troops. In view of the same, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi also met Taliban leaders.
