Afghan Security Forces killed over 170 Taliban militants in past 48 hours: Defence Min

Afghan Security Forces

Moscow: The Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) eliminated 172 Taliban militants as a result of a series of operations conducted throughout the country over the past 48 hours, the Afghan Ministry of Defense said.

“86 #Taliban terrorists were killed and 31 others were wounded as a result of #ANDSF operations in Nangarhar, Kandahar, Faryab, Nimruz, Badakhshan and Takhar provinces during the last 24 hours,” the ministry tweeted on Monday.

The Afghan military continued to report casualties among the militants in various provinces in the day that followed, which accounted for 172 deaths over 48 hours. More than 100 militants were injured, Sputnik said in a report

In the Faryab province’s Shirin Tagab district, the army killed 25 Taliban fighters, including one of their commanders, Qari Rahmatullah.

Afghan Security Forces

The ANDSF also discovered and diffused the militants’ weapons and improvised explosive devices.

Afghanistan has been in the grip of a violent internal conflict between the official government and the radical Taliban movement, which had taken control of a significant part of the country’s rural area and launched attacks on large cities. The ANDSF has been in charge of counter-terrorism operations across the country.

Though the US-negotiated peace process between the Afghan government and the Taliban kicked off in September 2020, the negotiations are yet to show any results as the violence has only escalated over the past few months.
