India Revenue Intelligence stopped export of 27 thousand smartphones from Chinese company Vivo

Vivo T1 5G

New Delhi: Differences between India and China have been going on for many days. Meanwhile, the Indian authorities have given a major blow to the plans of Chinese smartphone company Vivo to export from India to neighboring countries. India has stopped the export of about 27,000 smartphones of Vivo for more than a week. India’s Revenue Intelligence Unit, which comes under the Finance Ministry, has banned the smartphone made by Vivo Communications Technology Company at New Delhi Airport.

Significantly, Vivo is accused of giving wrong information about its device models and their value. According to a source, the cost of these smartphones is around $15 million. At the same time, no response has been received from the Finance Ministry and Vivo India on the email sent in this regard.

Industry organizations protested
According to a Bloomberg report, an industry lobby group has described the government agency’s action as one-sided and absurd. Pankaj Mohindroo, chairman of the India Cellular and Electronics Association, wrote in a letter sent to the top bureaucrats of India’s Tech Ministry on December 2 that we demand immediate intervention to stop this regrettable action. He said that such unfair action will discourage electronics manufacturing and exports in India.


Strictness continues on Chinese companies
Let me tell you, after the confrontation between the armies of India and China on the Himalayan borders in 2020, the political differences between the two countries had increased considerably. New Delhi had also increased the strictness on the local units of SAIC Motor Corp Ltd’s MG Motor India and Xiaomi Corp and ZTE Corp.

Other companies will be affected
At the same time, there is a possibility of discouraging other Chinese smartphone companies in India due to the obstruction of Vivo’s shipment at the airport. On the other hand, a nationalist government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is pushing them to increase exports and develop local supply chains.

What does vivo do
Vivo Communication Technology Co., Ltd. is a Chinese technology company owned by BBK Electronics that manufactures smartphones, smartphone accessories, and designs and develops software and online services.
