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guru purnima

Know the auspicious time, special yoga and importance of ‘Guru Purnima’

This year the full moon of the month of Ashadha, i.e. 'Ashadhi Purnima' is on 24th July, Saturday. According to the Panchang, the holy...
astronauts returned to Earth after 90 days

China’s longest space mission completed, astronauts returned to Earth after 90 days

Beijing: In China's longest mission to date, Chinese astronauts returned to Earth on Friday after a 90-day stay on the country's space station. Astronauts...

India’s indigenous vaccine ‘Covaxin’ may get approval from the World Health Organization next week

New Delhi: Big news has come for India from the World Health Organization. According to information received from sources on Monday, the WHO may...
Republic Day parade

73rd Republic Day parade at Rajpath, watch live broadcast here

New Delhi: Republic Day is being celebrated today i.e. on 26 January 2022 in the midst of the Coronavirus Pandemic crisis in the country....

Who could be Nigeria’s next president?

Three top contenders are competing to take over from Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari in a battle that pits the old guard ... source
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