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Now Palestinians will be able to roam freely in the West Bank

Now Palestinians will be able to roam freely in the West Bank, Israel will...

Jerusalem: Palestinian citizens living in the West Bank will now be able to visit Israel's checkpoints and checkpoints unhindered, as Israel is going to...
winter vacations for schools

Delhi government retracts order to extend winter vacations for schools amid cold wave

New Delhi: In a surprising turn of events, the Delhi government has withdrawn its order to extend the winter vacations for all the schools...

LIVE: Rescue efforts continue in Turkey after deadly earthquake

Rescue efforts continue even as the death toll from earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria this week passed 15000 amid anger ... source
Delhi High Court

Plea on mandatory linking movable and immovable property with Aadhaar, high court seeks response...

New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Monday asked the Center to file its reply on a plea seeking mandatory registration of movable and...
anand giri-narendra giri

Court sent accused Anand Giri and Agya Tiwari to 14 days judicial custody

Prayagraj: In the suicide case of Mahant Narendra Giri, president of Akhil Bhartiya Akhara Parishad, Prayagraj district court has sent both the accused Anand...
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