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Why Russia limited Facebook after attack on Ukraine, know what is the reason

New Delhi: Russia has limited access to Facebook amid the invasion of Ukraine. The Facebook accounts of many Russian news institutions have been limited....

Wolters Kluwer shares market-first reports highlighting key provisions

Singapore: Wolters Kluwer, a global leader in professional information, software solutions and services, today provided tax and HR professionals with access to two comprehensive reports. These...
Olympics broadcast

Olympics will broadcast live on DD Sports, special programs will be on Doordarshan and...

New Delhi: DD Sports will telecast live Tokyo Olympics every day while other channels of Doordarshan and All India Radio (AIR) will telecast special...

Quake survivors struggle as searches wind down

Rescue efforts wound down in Turkey as the hope of finding more survivors from the deadly earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria ... source
Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang

China Ready to intensify cooperation with Pakistan on Afghan Issue: Chinese Foreign Minister

Beijing: China is ready to strengthen coordination with Pakistan on the Afghan issue and facilitate the process of peaceful restoration in the country, Chinese...
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