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USA China

Why difference between US and China, White House has given this reason

Washington: The White House said that the US and China have "tightly contested" relations and that the Biden Administration will work in close coordination...
Drone attack on moscow

Drone attack on 2 buildings in Moscow, Russia said ‘terrorist act’

Moscow: The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine (Russia-Ukraine War) seems to be intensifying. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin claimed early Monday that 'drone attacks'...
Analytics India Magazine

AIM Releases Data Science Education Ranking 2020 for Full-Time PG Programmes in India

Bengaluru:  The Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics Course by tri-institutes IIM Calcutta, IIT Kharagpur and ISI Kolkata is top-ranked in the annual rankings on full-time data...
young face

The face will remain young if you perform these yoga postures

The effect of age first comes on the face. With age, wrinkles on the face, blackness under the eyes and wrinkles occur on the...
Sputnik V vaccine

Serum Institute Gets DCGI’s permission to Manufacture Covid Jab Sputnik V in India

New Delhi: The DCGI has granted permission to the Serum Institute of India (SII) to manufacture the Sputnik COVID-19 vaccine in India for examination,...
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