Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lala Khattar infected with Corona


Chandigarh: Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lala Khattar has been found infected with the Corona Virus. Whose information he himself tweeted. He wrote in his tweet, “I tested for the Noval Corona Virus today, in which my report has come out positive. I appeal to all colleagues and colleagues who came in contact with me in the last week and got myself tested. I request my close contacts to go into strict quarantine immediately. ”


It is to be known that cases of corona virus are increasing rapidly in the state. Gyan Chand Gupta, the first assembly speaker of the Chief Minister, was also found infected with the Corona virus, giving information that he wrote, “Yesterday I had my covid-19 test done and the report came positive. My health is fine, but on the advice of doctors, I am quarantined home. I request that all of you who have come in contact with me in the last few days, please isolate yourself and get your inquiry done. ”
