Dubai goes paperless, there will be no work on paper anymore


Dubai: In today’s time, there are many countries that are working towards environmental protection. In such a situation, Dubai has done wonders. This country has taken such a step, which is getting applause everywhere. In today’s time, the Government of Dubai has become the first such government in the world that has become completely paperless. That is, now no work will be done on paper in Dubai.

Dubai goes paperless
All 45 government offices in Dubai have now gone completely digital. Announcing this, Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has said that this move of the government will save millions of US dollars and labor hours. Due to this the country will benefit a lot, as well as the environment, will not be harmed.

Benefits of going paperless
According to media reports, due to paperless governance in Dubai, 336 million paper sheets will be saved in a year. Also, the Dubai government will be able to save around Rs 2700 crore every year since this initiative. At the same time, about 14 lakh human labor hours will also be saved with this decision. Let us tell you that the beginning of making government work paperless in Dubai was started in 2018. After which this mission was completed in 2021 and now the Dubai government has become completely paperless.


Beginning of new era
According to Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, this is the beginning of a new era for Dubai. Where now all the work will be done digitally. He further added that the government plans to implement advanced strategies to create and enhance digital life in Dubai over the next five decades. Although the US, UK, Europe, and Canada have been trying to digitize government work, it could be a bit difficult for them due to cyber attacks.
